An Open Letter To Every Woman Who Feels Trapped In a Romance-Starved Relationship...
Discover The “Barely Legal” Intimacy Secret Of A
Desperate Housewife From South Dakota Who Refused
To Divorce Her Husband...

If you’ve ever dreamed of discovering the little-known secrets of truly great sex...
Then this will be the most important letter you read today...
It’s full of dark secrets... juicy gossip... some scary moments. And yes...
My “barely legal” intimacy secret...
That’s now being used by thousands of regular unassuming women around the country...
And transforming boring, vanilla, (and oftentimes, PAINFUL SEX)...
Into White Hot Pleasure-filled
That’s helping couples of ALL ages...
Even couples in their 60s and 70s... escape the romance-rut they’ve fallen into...

Where the chemistry is off...
And there’s a great divide between what he wants and you crave...
And you both feel like strangers in the bedroom. Listen, if that’s you...
None of this is your fault...
And sex is nothing to be ashamed of...
And by the time you finish reading this letter...
You’re going to find new ways to rediscover your sexuality, rekindle your intimacy, and best of all...
Get Those Stimulating “First-time
Sensations” All Over Again So YOU Can
Have More Fun In The Bedroom Too

It won’t matter if you’re in perimenopause or beyond...
Where some days it can feel like a Saltine cracker “down there”...
Or you lost your libido and you’re having trouble keeping up with your partner...
And you feel like your biology is working against you... and you’ve given up hope and believe making love will never feel the same again. Listen...

The Body Of A Woman Is A
Moving Piece Of Art And Science...

And just as our bodies act differently after pregnancy, or as we go through “the change” or whatever it is...
We must adapt and do things differently to achieve our greatest amount of happiness and self-love...
We need to tune into who we are... where we are as women... and identify exactly what we need with regard to our sexuality...
And this oftentimes means trying something new...
And I mean “fun new”... not something that’s going to make you uncomfortable or or stress you out or anything like that...
Because you know as well as I do that sex and stress do NOT go together...
That would be like trying to drive with one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brake...
Trust me when I say, this there is a solution that will help you take your foot off the brake and keep your foot on the accelerator.
But right here and now I want you to get excited because whatever your story is...
Whether you already have a great sex life... and you want to turn up the heat even more...
And achieve intimacy on a completely new euphoric level with your partner...

Or you feel like your intimacy is on life support...
And right now it’s like you’re holding onto scraps of what your romantic life used to be...
And trying to glue the pieces back together.
The good news is that starting today... you can turn any “dead bedroom” into an erotic playground where you feel relaxed, confident, sexy, and a...
Deep Connection With Your Own Body
And Partner That Makes Every Nerve
In Your Being Tingle With Pleasure...
And no, he doesn’t need to be some rockstar sex god...
You’re not going to have to beg him to make love to you in the ways you want him to...

Or even muster up the courage to have a weird uncomfortable conversation that feels like you’re jumping off a cliff without a parachute and you hope it lands safely...
When you follow the one hot trick I’ll share with you today...
You’ll practically sucker your man into your master plan...
That will turn up the thermostat in your sex life... give YOU the kind of intimacy you desire and deserve...
And the best part? He’ll think it was all his grand idea...
And believe me when I say it’ll...
Make Him
Obsess Over YOU.

He won’t go looking for other women to flirt with...
Or clicking around on the internet...
Or making sex all about him like he always does... and leave you feeling like a vessel for his pleasure
while you lay there with your needs totally neglected.
No, girl this letter is all about how YOU can get the sexual stimulation you desire and deserve...
It’s about being able to climax during intercourse...
And I’m not talking about one of those “I think I had a climax” type experiences. But a...

Body-shaking Toe-curling
Scream-to-the-high-heavens Orgasm... Practically On Command

And listen...
I know that saying the “o word” may be uncomfortable...
And you might be thinking to yourself, “are we seriously talking about this right now!”...
And I totally get it...
Talking about sex can be uncomfortable. Let’s face it...
Intimacy can be an incredibly complicated part of life...
No matter how natural it is...
For us women, it can be easy to associate sex with negative emotions and it’s NOT because of anything you’ve done...
From the days of sex education in school... The act is often made to seem embarrassing, taboo, and better left avoided or undiscussed with your partner until absolutely necessary. Additionally...

Double standards perpetuate the common idea that it’s socially acceptable for men to talk about sex... but women have to be all hush-hush about it.
Honey, it is the 21st century...
And you DESERVE an amazing sex life...
You DESERVE passion and intimacy...
And you DESERVE closeness and deep connection with your partner that meets your physical and spiritual needs.
And as long as you are comfortable and feel safe...
There is nothing wrong with exploring ways to rev-up the intimacy in your marriage... and experience even more pleasure...
Because sex was meant to be enjoyed by both parties... not just men. But for us women too.
And unfortunately...
There are so many women who believe the lie that they have to have a boring sex-life...
Or can never orgasm again now that they’re perimenopause or beyond...
Especially if you haven’t had a single orgasm in decades of sex with your partner...
Or maybe you’ve only had an orgasm once or twice in your life and think it’s one of those rarities like the sighting of a sasquatch...
Or maybe you’ve had the Big O with “a guy”...

But not the guy you’re with right now and you want to change that.
What you’re about to discover is going to be so incredibly powerful that it’s going to transform your love life...
It’s going to be so good that I promise, after you get done reading, you’re going to want to forward this to all of your girlfriends...
That Is — Unless You Want To
Keep These Orgasmic-secrets To Yourself...

Really it’s your choice...
But I’ll warn you that after you share the tips you’ll learn on this page with your girlfriends...
Including my barely-legal intimacy secret that I’ll share in just a minute...
They’re going to love you for it...
Because the next time you get together for a ladies night, you’ll have some really fun stories to tell...
And don’t be surprised if they start calling you their own personal “sex therapist”... that’s how effective these intimacy-stoking secrets are...
So keep reading because in today’s letter you’re also going to discover...
Mother Nature’s “Sensual Plant” Gifted To All Women That Corrupt Pharmaceutical Companies Tried To BAN...
Not because it wasn’t safe or ineffective...
But because once you get your hands on this erotic plant...
You won’t have to waste money on their expensive creams or therapies with nasty side effects.
- This nature-made sex remedy can help you rediscover your sexuality...
- Restore incredibly deep (and hot) intimacy between you and your partner... and even save your marriage...
- Plus, you’ll also discover the little-known “engorgement trick” that plumps your lady parts like a vivacious flower during a wet Spring for mind-blowing sensitivity that...
Makes Even The Smallest Touch Feel Like A Volcanic Eruption Of Pleasure...
All of this and so much more inside this special letter...
But before we get to the goods...
Let me quickly share who I am and how I stumbled on this...
Shocking Intimacy Breakthrough That Will Work Wonders For Your Sex-life...
Hi. I’m Jessica. I am 41 years old. I am a housewife and mother of three children...

I’m not a sex doctor or therapist, but my friends sure seem to think so...
Truth is— I’m just the woman in her group of friends who’s not too shy to explore her body and try new things...
And it’s for that reason that I accidentally stumbled on this little-known secret...
And it’s likely something you’ve never heard of before...
Because I did not get this information from a doctor. I did not get this information from sex-therapy books. I sure as hell didn't find it in a Cosmo...
And I did not get this information from any of the so-called “sex experts”...
I stumbled across this strange and sexy secret totally by accident when I was looking for something else...
But that doesn’t matter...
What does matter is that at last I have found an answer. And it’s so simple that...
If You Can Lick A Stamp, You Can Do This... And It Will Set Your Love Life
Off Like Fireworks!

And before we get there...
Let me address the pink elephant in the room just one more time...
Because I know there are still some women right now shuttering in their seat reading this...
And I’m so glad that you’re putting those emotions to the side and still reading this...
Because society has wired our brains since we were little girls to think these conversations are just dirty bathroom talk...
And that any “good wife or girlfriend” would NEVER talk about sex. And definitely not like this.
But here’s the truth...
Girl, we NEED to talk about sex.
Not in a grungy kind of way... but with heart, care, thoughtfulness, and intelligence...
Owning your knowledge about your own body and how you can...

Enjoy An Amazing Sexual Experience
Every Time You Make Love...
Even if you’ve been having trouble getting out of your own head and into your body lately...
This sexy secret can work for you.

And as a mom and wife I totally get what it’s like to be in your shoes...
It’s getting closer to bedtime...
You’re still thinking about what didn’t get done in the day...
The hundreds of things you have to get done tomorrow...
And you feel dried-out exhausted literally and figuratively and it’s preventing you from enjoying sex...
Your husband or partner is clearly making hints toward something tonight...
And you’re debating if you should just give him another quickie where you lay there, sometimes in discomfort or pain (that you keep to yourself)... and you wait until he’s finished...
Or tell him you have a headache and just go to bed.
Because while you would LOVE to have sex...
For you, it takes 30-minutes of foreplay and massaging for your body to finally relax and for you to get in the right mindset where you can actually enjoy it...
And that just takes MORE time... and you hardly have enough of that as it is.
Listen, the reason guys want it all the time... is because it’s really easy for them to get turned on and reach orgasm.
I mean...
If I Could Orgasm As Fast As My Husband,
I’d Be Up For Sex Twice A Day And
Three Times On Sunday.

But for us women, it can take work...
But with my barely-legal sex secret that I’ll share today...
It doesn’t have to take as much “work” as you think to achieve a climax EVERYTIME you have sex...
Even if your partner sucks at communication...
Or he’s gotten lazy in the romance-department lately...
This is going to make intimacy VERY easy on him too...
And when you’re getting your needs met in bed...
And you can release all the stress of the day in one hot orgasmic love-making session...
You’re going to gain an even deeper connection with your partner...
And you and him are going to have a lot more fun too.
To be honest, my quest for an even better sex life started as a selfish one...
I wanted to crack the code on how I can have...
Bigger, Better Orgasms —
Faster And More Frequently Too...

And in all of my self-education...
It became strikingly clear that despite what most women believe...
The reason so many of us struggle to orgasm is...
NOT because you’re “dry” and there’s nothing you can do about it...
NOT because you have a low libido...
NOT because of your age, past pregnancy or menopause...
And as hard as it may be to hear...
It’s NOT because he sucks at love-making...
Yes— these can present challenges... but they are so much easier to get around when you can fix this one thing...
And that “secret sauce” to better orgasms (and a lot more of them) has everything to do with blood flow.

It’s The Holy Grail To Arouse
Sensitivity Down There

Men are really no different...
See — men need lots of blood flow for harder, firmer erections...
And as a side note: if your man is having ANY trouble in that “department”... what I’m about to share with you can REALLY help boost his machinery too. Anyway...
Without an adequate amount of blood flow going to our lady parts it will always be a struggle to achieve a mind-blowing orgasm.
And listen I get it...
Mother Nature Can Be A Bitch...
Because getting enough blood flow to your yoni can be a lot more complicated than it used to as you get older...
Our hormones drop during perimenopause and beyond...
And that can cause an estrogen drop...

Which affects your vaginal tissue...
Makes it friable, thin, delicate, painful...
Lowers natural lubrication...
And it also lowers your sensations...
So it takes so much longer to prep your body before sex...
And we have a harder and harder time achieving satisfaction because we literally aren’t getting blood flow to our genitals...
That, and when you live with your partner day in and day out... and have to deal with all of his little things that upset you or get on your nerves or whatever...
Then you really have to go the extra mile to achieve this blood flow rush to your vagina...
And that engorgement is such a big deal because the blood swells the tissue...
The tissue then has more surface area for sensation...
And it feels so much better to be touched.
And until now it was common belief that the only way to achieve this kind of sensitivity and sensations was to take a lot of time...
And that there has to be a lot that happens “before” intercourse to orgasm...
But like you’re about to discover...
There’s a NEW way to get your honeypot plumped and ready for intimacy FASTER...
So Even The Most Impatient Couples
Can Be Fired Up And Ready To Go
Almost Instantly...

Where you’re both aroused...
Loving every touch...
And able to experience mind-blowing orgasmic pleasure and intimacy.
Yes— this is something any woman can achieve...
And it doesn’t have to take a 30-minute warm up because let’s face it... as moms, wives, career women... we don’t always have time for that.
Don’t get me wrong...
If you’re on a romantic getaway...
Or the kids are out of the house for the night and you can take your time...
By all means, please do. I love long hot sexy love making sessions with my husband...
But having to go through a lengthy warm-up isn’t the only way to achieve an amazing orgasm...
And that’s exactly what I was on the hunt for...
A way to relax my body and mind...
And get blood flowing to my lady parts FASTER so I feel turned on so much quicker...
This way my husband and I can...
Burst Into A Frenzy Of Love-making Like
Two Horny Jackrabbits Anytime We Want...

Instead of us always having to plan out intimacy for when the kids are gone...
Or having to be away from the house for me to really enjoy it.
Now, as I was researching for some ways to achieve this fast relaxation and improved blood flow...
I stumbled on a certain plant (one that I’m sure you’re familiar with)...
- That’s now being legalized again in some states...
- That can help people unwind and chill out...
- And has certain blood flow benefits...
But hey, I’m not in college anymore and am not “an experimenter” in that regard...
But I would be lying if I said I wasn’t intrigued by a derivative of the plant... that’s safe and doesn’t get you feeling all woozy and weird.
It’s called cannabidiol.
CBD is a non-psychoactive derivative of the cannabis plant...
Meaning it won’t get you high or anything like that.
And while you may have heard of CBD before to help relieve stress and anxiety...
What you may not know is that...

CBD Is An Amazing Compound
That Can Provide Sensual Amplification
For You And For Him...
It also helps to boost circulation...
Which as you’ve learned already...
Is KEY for us women to reach climax. Plus...
It may in turn improve sexual function and arousal in women with problems such as pain during intercourse and other types of pelvic pain.

So I was pretty amazed when I stumbled across CBD and how it had the potential to enhance my love life...
The only problem is that CBD really only came in an oil form...
So my husband and I would try to mix it with the lubes we were using at the same time...
And while the sensations from the CBD were AMAZING... It was a pain (and a mess) mixing the stuff and it got to be really expensive.
So that’s when we decided to try and formulate our very own CBD infused lubrication.
And after months of trial and error...
We finally put together a combination of ingredients, including CBD, that has made our love life so much hotter...
We’ve never felt closer...
And with the fast-acting ingredients inside that get us fired up and ready to go quicker...
We have more TIME for sex.
It doesn’t always have to be a long ordeal for me to reach orgasm anymore.
Now don’t get me wrong...
We love our romantic getaways... and take a lot more time just enjoying the act of pleasuring each other when we are away from the kids...

But as two busy parents we don’t get that luxury often...
So this gets our “sex parts” sensitive so much quicker... so now we not only have time for sex, but the sensations, the pleasure, the connection is deeper than ever and our sex life and marriage is thriving because of it.
And it’s because of our experience...
And the exciting testimonies (and some arm twisting) we got after sharing this formula with some of our friends...
We decided to make our unique CBD infused lube available to couples around the country.

A Slippery Sensational Lube That’s Infused With
Broad Spectrum CBD Extract Designed To...

- Heighten Sensation — so you and him can enjoy every touch and thrust with your “pleasure-sensors” responding in ways they haven't in years, or maybe ever.
- Improve Orgasms — so you can finish your sexual rendezvous with the ultimate body-shaking, toe-curling eruption of pleasure and satisfaction...
- Reduce friction — which is incredibly important to help reduce pain during sex. (because I think we can both agree, painful sex SUCKS!)
- Support Blood Flow — Getting blood flow to our genitals is the holy grail to experience the MAXIMUM amount of pleasure from intercourse (for both you and him)... which is why we’ve designed Honeypot Lube around this simple fact that so many other lubricants overlook.
- Relax Your Muscles — when you’re relaxed, it’s so much easier for you to get out of your own head and into your body.
- Mind-blowing Sexual Pleasure — Whether you’re with your partner... or maybe you want to explore eachothers bodies in brand new ways, you can use Honeypot lube to enhance your experience even more...
It’s So
Easy To Use

Just pump out Honeypot Lube on your desired area...
Spread with passion...
And for best results, play and massage...
Allow the CBD to absorb into your genitals.
You’ll be amazed by the “plumping” for both you and him
(yep, it’s great for his pleasure rod too)...
The heightened experience you get from the increased blood flow.
And The Amazing New Sensations
You’ll Experience When You Add The
Sexual Superpowers Of CBD To Your Sex Life
Honeypot Lube started as a selfish ambition for my husband and I to find the perfect CBD-infused lube for us...
Which set us on a journey to try so many other lubes...

And while this project certainly was fun, we did realize that a lot of lubricants just don’t get the job done. See...
I needed something that would keep me wet and slippery...
Ignite my sensations...
And satisfy his glide-ability needs (which helps sex feel so much better for the woman too)...
We tried many “his & her” lubes...
And if you’ve ever tried those I’m sure you’re no stranger to how after just two minutes into sex it feels like “satan’s den” down there...
Like your vagina went from “arctic” to “hell fire” in point-two seconds...
It’s so uncomfortable...
Kills the mood...
And things dry up pretty quickly after that (if you know what I mean)
There are also those kinds of lubes that are so sticky it feels like you could stick to a wall like Spiderman...
Or are really greasy... and leave fingerprints all over the bed set and stain the sheets.
I’ve tried lubes that were too thin to where it basically feels like water... and you have to keep reapplying to keep your man gliding without distraction or pain...
And I’ve had others that were too thick...
Where it would actually increase friction so I was rubbed raw after.

Don’t get me wrong...
Thickness is great for lube... but it has to be just the right amount.
And in fact... any amazing lube should support your body’s natural lubrication too... and most don’t. They make you depend on their lube instead of supporting the natural production from your body.
So you could say we started as a couple just wanting to boost the intimacy and connection in our marriage...
And not only have we done that... but we jokingly say that we’ve become “lube experts” over the course of creating Honeypot Lube.
So with that said, we are not a big company and that’s a huge reason why...
You Must Act Fast
See— we don’t have millions of dollars in venture funding...
We aren’t rich...
In fact— we are just an everyday “next door neighbor” duo who has a passion to bring couples together... and we decided to do something about it.
And we knew that if we were going to share Honeypot Lube with the world...
Then it better be...
The Best Damn Lube
You’ve Ever Tried...
So we don’t cheap out on our ingredients to save a few pennies...
Because just like we wanted the BEST sexual experience for us as a couple...

We want to share that same exact quality and high-level of intimacy with you...
So you can enjoy even more white hot passion in the privacy of your own home (or wherever else you want to get it on)...
My husband and I love our Honeypot Lube so much...
We leave a bottle on the bed stand... a bottle in his home office drawer... and a bottle in the car...
So after our weekly date night before heading home to the kids...
We drive off to a park... or a remote spot in the middle of nowhere... and have
Hot Backseat Love-making Sessions
Like We’re Two Horny Teenagers Again!
And I want every woman and couple to get that thrill back into their love life...
Where it’s exciting to sneak away and make love...
Because with the fast-acting ingredients inside of Honeypot Lube... it’ll help you get “ready” fast for those spur of the moment love-making sessions...

I’ve found this is incredibly helpful with kids in the house too.
I mean, time is precious...
And when you’re a mom it’s easy to just be tired and feel like you have no time. So it’s easy to make excuses for not having incredible intimacy in your marriage...
I have conversations with women all the time about problems with their sex life...
The conversation typically starts with her talking about her vaginal dryness...
And how even though she is attracted to her husband... and wants to have sex... you feel like all day you’ve been everything for everyone else... and you’re so damn tired by the end of the day...
So much so that even him looking at you a certain way makes you feel like, “seriously?”... like now somebody else wants something from me...
And those frustrated tired emotions arise because you aren’t having the enjoyable sexual experience YOU DESERVE. You are craving more. Whether you know it or not.
If You Were Achieving Climax
Much More Often... Well, Sex Wouldn’t Be
As Boring Now Would It?

Let me tell you that when you get super-pleasure filled sex...
And you climax every time you do it (or just a lot more often)...
You will LOVE sex again... and your relationship will become so much stronger... because the connection between you two will get deeper.
Because let’s face it...
A boring sex life drives division between you both whether you talk about it or not...
And a one-sided sexual experience... where he’s reaching his orgasm but you aren’t... also drives division in your relationship.
And that’s why I’m so passionate about sharing this message with you...

Because Girl, It’s Time
You Get Yours In Bed...
What you crave... What you deserve...
And when that happens you’re going to feel so much more secure and happy in your relationship with your partner. Period.
So Here’s How To Get Your Hands
On Honeypot Lube...
You won’t find Honeypot Lube in stores...
You won’t find it on Amazon or anything like that...
Just right here and now on this private website... so I think it’s fate that of all the websites you’ll land on today, you’ve landed here.
Now one bottle of Honeypot Lube would normally cost $55...
But because we are obsessed with getting the word out about this amazing intimacy-boosting formula...
We wanted to lower the investment so you can order a bottle of Honeypot Lube for just $49.
But it gets better...
Because the small test group that has used Honeypot Lube continued coming back to us for more...

And because most people like to keep a bottle of Honeypot Lube under the bed... a bottle in the car... and a bottle under the bathroom sink for when you want to make love in the shower or in the bathtub...
As a side note: We’ve found Honeypot Lube feels AMAZING in the shower...
My husband and I used to use saliva but it never really held up... but once we started using Honeypot Lube in the shower, let’s just say it made our rendezvous so much hotter...
So with that said I think it’s safe to say...
The More Honeypot Lube You Have,
The More Adventure You Have In Your Sex Life
And that rekindles all sorts of old romantic feelings like when you were first dating... or when you first started sneaking around making love.
And it’s also kind of fun too...
Knowing that you and your husband “did it” in all these different spots around the house... or maybe even in public... and it’s just sexy having that naughty little secret between the two of you.

It heightens the bond you share... Try it, you’ll see what I mean.
So because we want to make Honeypot Lube as affordable as possible and give you the chance to stock up so you can use it anywhere, anytime to open up more erotic adventure in your life...
When you stock up on 3 bottles of Honeypot Lube you’ll get each bottle for just $39...
Which is 29% in savings...
And when you really decide to up your fun in the bedroom...
And even use Honeypot Lube for your own pleasure (no partner needed)... then you will definitely want to stock up and save on 6 bottles of Honeypot Lube...
Which is just $29 per bottle...
Which is a huge 47% in savings.
So you could say smart people buy more.
So to stock up on your supply of Honeypot Lube while we are still in stock...
Choose The 3 or 6 Bottle Option Of
Honeypot Lube (Or Whichever Option
Works Best For You)
1 Bottle
Click the “add to cart” button below...
You’ll then be taken to a secure order form on the next page...
Fill out the form, click submit...
And your bottles of Honeypot Lube will arrive at your house in discreet packaging in the next 3-5 business days.
And while I could have stopped there...
I also want to add...
FREE Shipping When You Order
Honeypot Lube On This Page!
When you stock up on Honeypot Lube with either the 3 or 6 bottle option on this page only...
You’re also going to get FREE SHIPPING...

Which will save you an additional $7.95 on your order.
Us women know what it means to be smart and savvy shoppers... so not only are you going to boost the intimacy in your love life... but you’re going to get some extra savings too which is always a nice bonus.
But listen, I didn’t want to stop there...
I want to go one step further and take the risk completely off your shoulders and that’s why..
Your Bottles Of Honeypot Lube Are Secured
With A 365 Day Money Back Guarantee...

There’s no other company that’s willing to put their neck on the line like we are.
With your order of Honeypot Lube today...
You are protected by our 365 day money back guarantee.
That’s right— you have a full year to try Honeypot Lube... and if you’re not 100% satisfied by how your love life improves...
Simply send our friendly customer support team an email and we will refund every penny.
So you can feel totally safe and secure giving Honeypot Lube a try today. Sound fair?
So here’s what to do next while we are still in stock...
Note: remember, we have very limited supply of Honeypot Lube so you must act right now.
Honeypot Testimonials
Blown Away!
"Loved It!!!!! My partner is 60 and I am 59. We have been together for 21 years. Our sex life was getting boring and definitely in need of lubrication. We had tried different lubricants, mainly looking for something non-toxic and natural, even fractionated coconut oil.
While they satisfied the moisture issue, orgasms were ok and short. I tried the Honeypot first on me and I was blown away at the HUGE sensation within minutes. Next tried it with my partner and he loved what it did for both of us. Lovemaking was incredible and had one the best and longest orgasms in a long time."
Top of the Heap!
“I tried Honeypot because menopause has caused extreme dryness, irritation, and painful sex; lubricants I have tried have been less than satisfactory. Honeypot is definitely at the top of the heap!”
Silky Smooth!
“I am so happy that I purchased honey pot. Before I purchase honey pot I was having difficulty with sexual intercourse, it was very painful, uncomfortable and I just wasn’t looking forward to any intimacy. I decided google for products that can help and I found honey pot. I would recommend this product to anyone whose having the same issues or just want silky smooth lubrication. It really is great and now I look forward to intimacy. Thanks a million.”
WOW, what was that!!!
“Well here is my experience. My wife and I were getting low on personal lube so I wanted to get her something different and I noticed your website and I thought this sounds interesting, but I didn't tell her I ordered it. Well to make a long story short we used it and at the end she said , ‘WOW, what was that!!!’ I said I ordered some new lube and I told her about what it would do and she said, ‘It did that and more.’ Thanks!”
Never Too Old!
“I am so glad I found Honeypot! I am an older lady who just found a wonderful man and we were having a little problem with intimacy till I found Honeypot! We used it “together” and found that it did the trick and we had fun! Your never too old!”
Exactly What
We Needed!
“I’ve always had good sex with my husband. He’s handsome and he’s good to me. But honestly, we needed something different, especially as we’re getting older. This was exactly what we needed. Really enjoying using this.”
I Found My Lube!
“WOW! You weren’t joking about the increased blood flow! All of the areas that needed it, got it... I won’t be using any other lube from now on!”
Choose The 3 or 6 Bottle Option Of
Honeypot Lube (Or Whichever Option
Works Best For You)
1 Bottle
You Have 2 Options
To Go From Here
Option #1 is to take everything you learned today, do nothing, and stay stuck in a romance-starved relationship.
You can continue being the pleasure-giver but never the pleasure-receiver... and if that’s your thing, then that’s okay. Listen...

If you’re a woman who can just “give, give, give” but never receive, then more power to you. But I know that at some point it’s going to catch up...
I mean what woman doesn’t want a mega-powerful sexual release?
I’m talking about allowing yourself to just relax...
“Go there” in your mind, connect with your body and with his...
And feel all of the amazing sensations “below”...
That eventually erupts throughout your entire body...
And Trigger An
Orgasmic Explosion Of Love!
Honey, you’re not going to do that doing the same old same old...
And Honeypot Lube is far from that.
Which is why there’s also Option #2
And that is to stock up on Honeypot Lube today...
Because with Honeypot lube is a revolutionary new sex-enhancing formula that will quickly heighten your sensations...
So you and him can enjoy every touch and thrust with your “pleasure-sensors” responding in ways they haven't in years, or maybe ever.

You’ll support your body by reducing friction so sex isn’t painful...
Support blood flow down there so you can MAXIMIZE your sexual experience and get so much more pleasure out of foreplay and penetration...
And finish with a mind-blowing orgasm.
And because I know you’re smart and savvy...
And you want to have amazing pleasure-filled intimacy too (and you deserve it!)... then there’s no time to waste...
Set yourself up for deeper connection with your spouse or male partner...
Have even greater satisfaction from love-making...
Spice up the adventurous side in the both of you...
And enjoy the heightened sensitivity and sensations so you can orgasm just as often as he does.
Here’s what to do next because supplies are limited and out of stocks are a very real risk...
Choose The 3 or 6 Bottle Option Of
Honeypot Lube (Or Whichever Option
Works Best For You)
1 Bottle
Thank you for reading this letter...
I’ve made a way for you to email me your experience after your order.
I can’t wait to hear about your experience with Honeypot Lube and how it elevates your intimacy and takes your sexual experience (whether with a partner or by yourself) to brand new heights.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much lube is in a bottle?
Each bottle is 50 ml and infused with 75 mcg of broad spectrum CBD.
Is There Discreet Shipping?
Yes. We understand the importance privacy is to our customers. So we make it our utmost priority to ship all orders of Honeypot Lube in private and discreet standard packaging. Honeypot Lube is shipped in plain unmarked packaging that will in no way disclose the contents within.
Does this leave oily stains in the sheets and other fabrics?
No. It washes up wonderfully. It does not leave any stains or get oily and sticky.
Do you sell a bigger size?
Right now the 50 ml is the biggest size of Honeypot Lube we carry which is why we’ve made it possible to stock up on 6 bottles for a huge 40% off discount.
Does Honeypot Lube help make him more slippery?
Yes. Honeypot Lube is very slick. This is absolutely the slickest product you’ll try (and we back that up by our 365 day money back guarantee). It’s neither water based or oil based but is silicone based.
Does Honeypot Lube have THC?
Federal law requires the Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) levels to be less than 0.3% for Hemp extracts. Honeypot's Hemp extract contains less than 0.3% THC.
What if the product doesn’t work for me?
Simply send us an email and we will refund your every penny, no questions asked. Each order of Honeypot Lube is secured by our 365 day money back guarantee.
Is it edible?
Yes it is. All the ingredients are carefully selected and safely edible.
Will I test positive during a random drug screening?
The simple answer to your question is, no, you should not test positive.
The more in depth answer is that federal law requires the Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) levels to be less than 0.3% for Hemp extracts. Honeypot's Hemp extract contains less than 0.3% THC. Additionally, most drug screens test for THC-COOH (what THC turns into after the body metabolizes it). Although there have been cases of false-positive drug screens for THC-COOH, most of those are a result of individuals regularly consuming large amounts (greater than 1,000 mg/day) of hemp extract (that contains trace amounts of THC). Since our product contains less than 0.3% THC, is not intended for consumption, and has a relatively low dosage, the likelihood that users of HONEYPOT test positive on a random drug screening is extremely low.
Is Honeypot Lube sold at retail locations?
Currently, our products and these great offers are only available on our private online store.
How long will it take for me to receive my order?
Customer purchases typically ship out of our fulfillment center the day after orders are placed and should arrive at the shipping address within 3 to 5 business days.
Can I see the label for Honeypot Lube?

Will you tell me about the individual ingredients?
The individual ingredients (and the mixture of them) creates a slippery sensation that adds to your body's natural lubrication. Federal law requires the Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) levels to be less than 0.3% for Hemp extracts. Honeypot's Hemp extract contains less than 0.3% THC. Our product is also tested for various unwanted contaminants such as heavy metals, pesticides, residual solvents, and others. Our support team will provide the Certificate of Analysis upon request.
Check our ingredients and their rating:
- Dimethicone: GOOD
- Cyclopentasiloxane: GOOD
- Dimethiconol: GOOD
- Phenyl Trimethicone: GOOD
- Broad Spectrum Hemp Extract (THC-free): BEST
How do I use Honeypot Lube?
It’s easy. Just pump out Honeypot Lube on your desired area...
Spread with passion...
And for best results, play and massage...
Allow the CBD to absorb into your genitals.
You’ll be amazed by the “plumping” for both you and him (yep, it’s great for his pleasure rod too)
The heightened experience you get from the increased blood flow. And the amazing new sensations you’ll experience when you add the sexual superpowers of CBD to your sex life will be second to none.
I’m ready to order Honeypot Lube! What do I do next?
You’re going to feel amazing about your decision today.
All you have to do is click the “add to cart” button below...
You’ll then be taken to a secure order form on the next page...
Fill out the form, click submit...
And your bottles of Honeypot Lube will arrive at your house in discreet packaging in the next 3-5 business days.
Choose The 3 or 6 Bottle Option Of
Honeypot Lube (Or Whichever Option
Works Best For You)
1 Bottle